We had so much fun hanging out with Jennifer & Mark last night!  We did an impromptu mini-engagement session just to get to know them a little more before their wedding in about a week and a half!  When Jennifer asked if she could bring their dogs I, of course, was ecstatic.  You see, I’m a dog person.  I love dogs.  All shapes and sizes.  They are sweet, friendly, cuddly, and lovable- what is not to like?!?! Well, unfortunately Aric is not a dog person.  He might be, but he’s slightly allergic to them, so I guess that’s something to “not like” about dogs.

Luckily, Jennifer & Mark’s dogs were the coolest and I think they even earned some doggie points in Aric’s eyes as well!!  He even changed the timeline for us to get a dog from 3 years to 2 during the session!! (WIN!!) 🙂

Anyway, enjoy some of our favorites from their session last night!


Aric + Casey

Sweet little family!

Meet Mandu & Batman.  I’ve decided when we do finally get a pup I want one like Mandu.  Seriously. Don’t you just want to squeeze him?!?!  I think Aric wants one like Batman- just because his name is batman. LOL

This is one of the tricks that won over Aric’s heart.  Mark pulls out the imaginary gun and says “stick ’em up” and this is what Mandu does. I freakin’ loved it!!!

Like I said, we wanted the chance to get to know Mark & Jennifer a little more and one of the things we found out was that Mark used to live in New Jersey/New York and he was a sponsored break dancer by Ecko!! Umm…hello?!?! How cool!!!  He said he was out of practice but from the few moves he showed us-we were totally impressed.  And Aric went home wishing he could learn to break dance too! 🙂

Mark was all about the fun pictures, he didn’t care too much for being very serious.  The following was his idea. And I love it. Don’t mess with Jennifer!! Haha

Still we got our way and got to end on a more romantic note.

Thanks for hanging out with us Jennifer & Mark! We had a blast!! We’re super excited for your wedding!!! 🙂


Jennipuh and Mark! I love you guys! Love, Taco’s Facebook friend.

Masashi Kakizaki

Hi Mark and Jennifer, I keep wondering when my son is going to pop the question!! It looks like everybody had a lot of fun! I wish you the best of life with each other! Love, Taco’s Father

I love you, Mark and Jennifer! Taco’s mother

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